



  1. open and edit files has several modes as following:

    • vim filename: open this file
    • vim +n filename: open file and position cursor at line n, `n is a number
    • vim + filename: open this file and position your cursor at last line
    • vim +/pattern filename: open file and position at the first match of pattern
    • vim -r filename: open file and recover from swapfile, swapfile on big RAM is unnecessary, so we can disabled it
    • vim -R filename: open file in mode read-only
  2. providing you have edited the file,if you press:

    • :q: to exit and you’ll be warned because you have edited file
    • :q!: force to quit and won’t get warning message
    • :w: to store the current modification into current file
    • :wq: to store current modification into current file and quit
    • :w fname: store current buffer content into another file fname,save as
    • :ZZ: store current modification and quit
  3. :{n}cq[!] : quit and returns an errcode n, default value of n is 1. you’ll need this when you want to abort a git rebase operation :)


  1. insert modes,if you press:
    • i: insert at current position
    • I: insert at the beginning of current line
    • a: append after current position
    • A: append at the end of line
    • o: insert a new line below current line
    • O: insert a new line above current line


  1. move your cursor in vim:

    • j: to next line
    • k: to previous line
    • l: to right
    • h: to left
  2. go to specified line:

    • ‘line number’+‘G’
  3. to the beginning of previous line

    • shift +: to the beginning of next line
    • 0: to the beginning of current line
    • $: to the end of current line
    • w: to the beginning of next word,use ‘biaodianfuhao’ as delimiter
    • W: like ‘w’, but use space as delimiter
    • b: to the beginning of previous word, ‘biaodianfuhao’ as delimiter
    • B: to the beginning of previous word, use space as delimiter
    • e: to the end of next word,‘biaodianfuhao’
    • E: to the end of next word,space
    • (: to the beginning of current paragraph
    • ): to the end of current paragraph
    • {: to the beginning of previous paragraph
    • }: to the end of next paragraph
    • H: to the beginning of current screen,not the file
    • M: to the middle of current screen,not the file
    • L: to the end of current screen,not the file
    • G: to the end of file
    • gg: to the beginning of file
  4. move current line to top/center/bottom

  • z+enter: move current line to top of window
  • z-: move current line to bottom of window
  • zz: move current line to center of window


  1. delete content in vim:
  • x : delete character of current position
  • X : delete left character of current position
  • d1 : like ‘x’
  • d0 : delete characters from the beginning of line to current position
  • d$ : delete characters from current position to end of line
  • D : like ’d$'
  • d^ : like ‘d0’ but characters to delete doesn’t include space and tab
  • dw : delete chars from current pos to end of word
  • d5w : delete chars from current pos to end of next 5 words
  • dtc : delete chars from current pos to next ‘c’ (‘c’ not included)
  • dfc : delete chars from current pos to next ‘c’ (‘c’ included)
  • d/word : delete chars from current pos to the first match of ‘word’
  • d3{ : delete from previous 3 paragraphs to current pos
  • d{ : delete from beginning of current paragraph to current pos
  • db : delete from beginning of current to current pos
  • dW : delete from current pos to end of word,use ‘space’ as delimiter
  • dB : delete from beginning of current word to current pos,‘space’
  • d5B : from previous 5 words to current pos
  • d) : from current pos to the end of current line
  • d4) : from current pos to the end of next 5 lines
  • d} : from current pos to the end of current paragraph
  • d4} : from current pos to the end of next 4 paragraphs
  • dd : delete current line
  • 3dd : delete 3 lines from current line
  • dL : delete from current pos to end of current screen
  • dH : delete from beginning of current screen to current pos


  1. read file’s content into buffer: :[address] r [filename] read content of ‘filename’,then insert the content into the ‘address’ position of buffer. if address is 0,then insert content into the beginning of buffer. if address is 100,then insert content after line number 100. if address is default,then insert content after current cursor position.

  2. write buffer content into file on disk :[address] w [!] [filename] because it is rarely used,we neglect it.we usually use command ‘w’ to store.


  1. search string /pattern : press / then input the pattern to search

  2. search string1 and substitute by string2 :[g] [address] s /searchString/substitueString [/option] usually,we use the command as following format: %s /string1/string2/g

    here is an example:

    %s /string1/string2 /g
    ||     |       |     |
    ab     c       d     e

    a: we can search string1 in all lines in current buffer b: substitue commmand c: the string we want to search d: use string2 to replace string1 e: /g allows us to substitue every match in the same line.if we neglected ‘/g’ option,and if multiple matches of string1 occurs,we can only substitue the first match.

  3. advanced search and substitute by regexp

    Providing there’re many strings monitor_“desc” in code, we want to replace it with cmd_“desc”_succ,in which the string $desc is composed of characters like abc……xyz. So how to do that? In vim command mode, we can press: :%s/monitor_\([a-z]\{1,}\)/cmd_\1_succ。Here [a-z]{1,+} is used to match $desc,the outerscope () is used to capture the first matched group, (notice we do some escaping by \{1,+}),the group \1 will let us reuse the first captured group (that is $desc) . In vim, the captured group number is numbered by the order ( appears。 If you think the escape logic is complex, then we can use vim magic or very magic search mode, set magic, then we can use :%s/\v/monitor_([a-z]{1,})/cmd_\1_succ instead. Please refer to help magic to read more.


  1. split the vim window:

    • horizontally split, :split or :split filename
    • vertically split, :vsplit or :vsplit filename
  2. change window focus in vim: ctrl+w+w

​ we can also use shortcuts to change focus but it’s inconvenient,so neglect it.

​ but we can define key maps to use ctrl+hjkl to move between vim buffers.

  1. close windows in vim: providing there’re several windows splitted existing:
    • :q : to close current window
    • :qall : to close all windows
    • :only : to close the other windows


  1. start a shell in vim: :sh this is the first method to execute shell commands in vim. after you start a shell and execute all commands,you can press ‘exit’ to quit and go back to vim.

  2. execute shell cmd this is another method to execute shell commands. by this method,you can execute only one shell command.

​ suggest we use the first method.

  1. execute shell cmd and insert the result into buffer

    • :.!command if we’re in last line mode,we can use ‘.!command’ instead of ‘!command’,like ‘.!ls -al’.

    • :!!command if we’re in command mode,we can use ‘!!command’ instead of ‘command’. please note,when we type ‘!!command’, actually it is ‘.!command’.


  1. marks

    • ma : create a mark ‘a’ at current position
    • ‘a : jump to mark ‘a’
    • mb : create a mark ‘b’ at current position
    • ‘b : jump to mark ‘b’
    • ma : following mark created with the same name will override the ones create before


  1. mkview/loadview we can create a view for current session, like we can fold/unfold some codes, the state will be saved in the view, which is saved under ~/.vim/views/. even we save/quit, later we reopen the same file, the view created before will be loaded automatically. It’s convienient if you’re writing some code specially the project is big.


  1. ctags/etags we can generate tags for your file content, no matter it is normal text file or source code, it just generate tags for your files, then we can search by tags to quickly find the position where it is defined, then we can jump there.

    when generating tags, we need install binary tool like ctags/etags, run ctags -R . is OK for most cases, it will generate tags in your current folder for all files recursively.

  2. tags search

    by default, it will search tags file under current directory or the same directory which your editing file resides. sometimes we want vim to search other directories, for example, we write linux programs and we need some linux system headers, we want to jump to the system headers by looking up the tags.

    then we need to generate tags file for system headers, and we should let vim to search through it. we should add the path to that tags file into vim tags search paths.

    set tags=./tags;tags/;~,it first find tags file in the same directory which the editing file resides, if not found, then it keep searching in current working directory; if not found it searched the user homedir. if still not found, it stopped.

    we can add system headers path into the search paths.

    Please read more abount vim tags by :help tags.


you can read my .vimrc to learn more about vim settings:

  1. plugins

    • plugin manager like vundle
    • autocomplete
    • minibuffers
    • guidelines
    • code snippets
    • syntastic
    • file tree
    • comments
    • vim editor statusbar, like vim-airline
    • vim markdown renderer, like vim-instant-markdown
    • vim markdown toc generator
    • file encoding fix
  2. encoding

    • encoding/fileencoding/termencoding
  3. backspace/delete

  4. line wrapping

  5. autoread file when file outer changed

  6. key mappings

  7. highlight search, cursorline, cursorcolumn, foreground, background

  8. autowrap for specified types

  9. split window and move btw them

  10. syntax highlight

  11. colors theme

  12. format paragraph

  13. tab and spaces

  14. fold and unfold, autofold text block

  15. insert text effiently, like time, heading, horziontal

  16. create helpfile and generate tags for them, jump btw files by tags

  17. settings for coding, like vim-go, etc

  18. etc.





前期虽然学习成本高,一旦上手很容易爱不释手,萝卜青菜各有所爱 :) 当时是怎么决定要修炼vim的呢?是为了装x看能不能在完全脱离鼠标的情况下对计算机进行各种操作,比如通过命令、配置等等,虽然初衷不纯,但是最后还是上车了 :)