Here summarizes the supports provided by golang/debug package.



// An Attr identifies the attribute type in a DWARF Entry's Field.
type Attr uint32

const (
    AttrSibling        Attr = 0x01
    AttrLocation       Attr = 0x02
    AttrName           Attr = 0x03
    AttrOrdering       Attr = 0x09
    AttrByteSize       Attr = 0x0B
    AttrBitOffset      Attr = 0x0C

// A format is a DWARF data encoding format.
type format uint32

const (
    // value formats
    formAddr        format = 0x01
    formDwarfBlock2 format = 0x03
    formDwarfBlock4 format = 0x04
    formData2       format = 0x05
    formData4       format = 0x06

// A Tag is the classification (the type) of an Entry.
type Tag uint32

const (
    TagArrayType              Tag = 0x01
    TagClassType              Tag = 0x02
    TagEntryPoint             Tag = 0x03
    TagEnumerationType        Tag = 0x04
    TagFormalParameter        Tag = 0x05

// Location expression operators.
// The debug info encodes value locations like 8(R3)
// as a sequence of these op codes.
// This package does not implement full expressions;
// the opPlusUconst operator is expected by the type parser.
const (
    opAddr       = 0x03 /* 1 op, const addr */
    opDeref      = 0x06
    opConst1u    = 0x08 /* 1 op, 1 byte const */
    opConst1s    = 0x09 /*    " signed */
    opDup        = 0x12
    opDrop       = 0x13
    opOver       = 0x14



const _Attr_name = "SiblingLocationNameOrderingByteSizeBitOffsetBitSizeStmtListLowpcHighpcLanguageDiscrDiscrValueVisibilityImportStringLengthCommonRefCompDirConstValueContainingTypeDefaultValueInlineIsOptionalLowerBoundProducerPrototypedReturnAddrStartScopeStrideSizeUpperBoundAbstractOriginAccessibilityAddrClassArtificialBaseTypesCallingCountDataMemberLocDeclColumnDeclFileDeclLineDeclarationDiscrListEncodingExternalFrameBaseFriendIdentifierCaseMacroInfoNamelistItemPrioritySegmentSpecificationStaticLinkTypeUseLocationVarParamVirtualityVtableElemLocAllocatedAssociatedDataLocationStrideEntrypcUseUTF8ExtensionRangesTrampolineCallColumnCallFileCallLineDescription"

var _Attr_map = map[Attr]string{
    1:  _Attr_name[0:7],
    2:  _Attr_name[7:15],
    3:  _Attr_name[15:19],
    9:  _Attr_name[19:27],
    11: _Attr_name[27:35],
    12: _Attr_name[35:44],

func (i Attr) String() string {
    if str, ok := _Attr_map[i]; ok {
        return str
    return "Attr(" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) + ")"


DWARF debug information entry (DIE) parser. An entry is a sequence of data items of a given format. The first word in the entry is an index into what DWARF calls the abbreviation table. An abbreviation is really just a type descriptor: it’s an array of attribute tag/value format pairs

// An entry is a sequence of attribute/value pairs.
type Entry struct {
    Offset   Offset // offset of Entry in DWARF info
    Tag      Tag    // tag (kind of Entry)
    Children bool   // whether Entry is followed by children
    Field    []Field

// An Offset represents the location of an Entry within the DWARF info.
// (See Reader.Seek.)
type Offset uint32

// A Field is a single attribute/value pair in an Entry.
// A value can be one of several "attribute classes" defined by DWARF.
// The Go types corresponding to each class are:
//    DWARF class       Go type        Class
//    -----------       -------        -----
//    address           uint64         ClassAddress
//    block             []byte         ClassBlock
//    constant          int64          ClassConstant
//    flag              bool           ClassFlag
//    reference
//      to info         dwarf.Offset   ClassReference
//      to type unit    uint64         ClassReferenceSig
//    string            string         ClassString
//    exprloc           []byte         ClassExprLoc
//    lineptr           int64          ClassLinePtr
//    loclistptr        int64          ClassLocListPtr
//    macptr            int64          ClassMacPtr
//    rangelistptr      int64          ClassRangeListPtr
// For unrecognized or vendor-defined attributes, Class may be
// ClassUnknown.
type Field struct {
    Attr  Attr
    Val   interface{}
    Class Class

// A Class is the DWARF 4 class of an attribute value.
type Class int

const (
    // ClassUnknown represents values of unknown DWARF class.
    ClassUnknown Class = iota

    // ClassAddress represents values of type uint64 that are
    // addresses on the target machine.

    // ClassBlock represents values of type []byte whose
    // interpretation depends on the attribute.

// a single entry's description: a sequence of attributes
type abbrev struct {
   tag      Tag
   children bool
   field    []afield

type afield struct {
    attr  Attr
    fmt   format
    class Class

// a map from entry format ids to their descriptions
type abbrevTable map[uint32]abbrev

// ParseAbbrev returns the abbreviation table that starts at byte off
// in the .debug_abbrev section.
func (d *Data) parseAbbrev(off uint64, vers int) (abbrevTable, error) {
    if m, ok := d.abbrevCache[off]; ok {
        return m, nil

    data := d.abbrev
    b := makeBuf(d, unknownFormat{}, "abbrev", 0, data)



const _Class_name = "ClassUnknownClassAddressClassBlockClassConstantClassExprLocClassFlagClassLinePtrClassLocListPtrClassMacPtrClassRangeListPtrClassReferenceClassReferenceSigClassStringClassReferenceAltClassStringAlt"

var _Class_index = [...]uint8{0, 12, 24, 34, 47, 59, 68, 80, 95, 106, 123, 137, 154, 165, 182, 196}

func (i Class) String() string {
    if i < 0 || i >= Class(len(_Class_index)-1) {
        return "Class(" + strconv.FormatInt(int64(i), 10) + ")"
    return _Class_name[_Class_index[i]:_Class_index[i+1]]


// Data represents the DWARF debugging information
// loaded from an executable file (for example, an ELF or Mach-O executable).
type Data struct {
    // raw data
    abbrev   []byte
    aranges  []byte
    frame    []byte
    info     []byte
    line     []byte
    pubnames []byte
    ranges   []byte
    str      []byte

    // parsed data
    abbrevCache map[uint64]abbrevTable
    order       binary.ByteOrder
    typeCache   map[Offset]Type
    typeSigs    map[uint64]*typeUnit
    unit        []unit

.debug_info of 32-bit DWARF differs from the one of 64-bit DWARF:

  • 32-bit DWARF: 4 byte length, 2 byte version
  • 64-bit DWARF: 4 bytes of 0xff, 8 byte length, 2 byte version

Compiler generates debug information for each compilation unit. Linker will merge them into section .debug_info into executable file, like ELF executable file.

Data.parseUnits() parses the .debug_info section in executable file, it works as following:

func (d *Data) parseUnits() ([]unit, error) {
    // Count units.
    nunit := 0
    b := makeBuf(d, unknownFormat{}, "info", 0,
  // all compilation units' debug info is merged by linker into executable file,
  // here counts the number of compilation unit.
    for len( > 0 {
        len, _ := b.unitLength()
        if len != Offset(uint32(len)) {
            b.error("unit length overflow")
    if b.err != nil {
        return nil, b.err

         // Again, this time writing them down.
    b = makeBuf(d, unknownFormat{}, "info", 0,
    units := make([]unit, nunit)
    for i := range units {
        u := &units[i]
        u.base =
        // parse .debug_info and build the struct `unit` for each compilation unit

    return units, nil


DWARF debug info is split into a sequence of compilation units. Each unit has its own abbreviation table and address size.

// unit a unit represents a compilation unit
type unit struct {
    base   Offset // byte offset of header within the aggregate info
    off    Offset // byte offset of data within the aggregate info
    data   []byte
    atable abbrevTable
    asize  int
    vers   int
    is64   bool // True for 64-bit DWARF format


Buffered reading and decoding of DWARF data streams.

// Data buffer being decoded.
type buf struct {
  dwarf *Data
  order binary.ByteOrder
  format dataFormat
  name string
  off Offset
  data []byte
  err error


// A LineReader reads a sequence of LineEntry structures from a DWARF
// "line" section for a single compilation unit. LineEntries occur in
// order of increasing PC and each LineEntry gives metadata for the
// instructions from that LineEntry's PC to just before the next
// LineEntry's PC. The last entry will have its EndSequence field set.
type LineReader struct {

// A LineEntry is a row in a DWARF line table.
type LineEntry struct {
    // Address is the program-counter value of a machine
    // instruction generated by the compiler. This LineEntry
    // applies to each instruction from Address to just before the
    // Address of the next LineEntry.
    Address uint64

    // OpIndex is the index of an operation within a VLIW
    // instruction. The index of the first operation is 0. For
    // non-VLIW architectures, it will always be 0. Address and
    // OpIndex together form an operation pointer that can
    // reference any individual operation within the instruction
    // stream.
    OpIndex int

    // File is the source file corresponding to these
    // instructions.
    File *LineFile

    // Line is the source code line number corresponding to these
    // instructions. Lines are numbered beginning at 1. It may be
    // 0 if these instructions cannot be attributed to any source
    // line.
    Line int

    // Column is the column number within the source line of these
    // instructions. Columns are numbered beginning at 1. It may
    // be 0 to indicate the "left edge" of the line.
    Column int

// A LineFile is a source file referenced by a DWARF line table entry.
type LineFile struct {
    Name   string
    Mtime  uint64 // Implementation defined modification time, or 0 if unknown
    Length int    // File length, or 0 if unknown

// LineReader returns a new reader for the line table of compilation
// unit cu, which must be an Entry with tag TagCompileUnit.
// If this compilation unit has no line table, it returns nil, nil.
func (d *Data) LineReader(cu *Entry) (*LineReader, error) {


const (
    _Tag_name_0 = "ArrayTypeClassTypeEntryPointEnumerationTypeFormalParameter"
    _Tag_name_1 = "ImportedDeclaration"
    _Tag_name_2 = "LabelLexDwarfBlock"
    _Tag_name_3 = "Member"
    _Tag_name_4 = "PointerTypeReferenceTypeCompileUnitStringTypeStructType"
    _Tag_name_5 = "SubroutineTypeTypedefUnionTypeUnspecifiedParametersVariantCommonDwarfBlockCommonInclusionInheritanceInlinedSubroutineModulePtrToMemberTypeSetTypeSubrangeTypeWithStmtAccessDeclarationBaseTypeCatchDwarfBlockConstTypeConstantEnumeratorFileTypeFriendNamelistNamelistItemPackedTypeSubprogramTemplateTypeParameterTemplateValueParameterThrownTypeTryDwarfBlockVariantPartVariableVolatileTypeDwarfProcedureRestrictTypeInterfaceTypeNamespaceImportedModuleUnspecifiedTypePartialUnitImportedUnitMutableTypeConditionSharedTypeTypeUnitRvalueReferenceTypeTemplateAlias"

var (
    _Tag_index_0 = [...]uint8{0, 9, 18, 28, 43, 58}
    _Tag_index_2 = [...]uint8{0, 5, 18}
    _Tag_index_4 = [...]uint8{0, 11, 24, 35, 45, 55}
    _Tag_index_5 = [...]uint16{0, 14, 21, 30, 51, 58, 74, 89, 100, 117, 123, 138, 145, 157, 165, 182, 190, 205, 214, 222, 232, 240, 246, 254, 266, 276, 286, 307, 329, 339, 352, 363, 371, 383, 397, 409, 422, 431, 445, 460, 471, 483, 494, 503, 513, 521, 540, 553}

func (i Tag) String() string {
    switch {
    case 1 <= i && i <= 5:
        i -= 1


DWARF type information structures. The format is heavily biased toward C, but for simplicity the String methods use a pseudo-Go syntax.

// A Type conventionally represents a pointer to any of the
// specific Type structures (CharType, StructType, etc.).
type Type interface {
    Common() *CommonType
    String() string
    Size() int64

// A CommonType holds fields common to multiple types.
// If a field is not known or not applicable for a given type,
// the zero value is used.
type CommonType struct {
    ByteSize int64  // size of value of this type, in bytes
    Name     string // name that can be used to refer to type

// Basic types

// A BasicType holds fields common to all basic types.
type BasicType struct {
    BitSize   int64
    BitOffset int64

// A CharType represents a signed character type
type CharType struct{

type UcharType{...}

type IntType struct{...}


type AddrType struct{...}

type UnspecifiedType struct{...}

type QualType struct{...}

type ArrayType struct{...}

type VoidType struct{...}

type PtrType struct{...}

type StructType struct{...}

type StructField struct{...}

type FuncType struct{...}

type DotDotDotType struct{...}

type TypedefType struct{...}



// Parse the type units stored in a DWARF4 .debug_types section. Each
// type unit defines a single primary type and an 8-byte signature.
// Other sections may then use formRefSig8 to refer to the type.

// The typeUnit format is a single type with a signature. It holds
// the same data as a compilation unit.
type typeUnit struct {
    toff  Offset // Offset to signature type within data.
    name  string // Name of .debug_type section.
    cache Type   // Cache the type, nil to start.

// Parse a .debug_types section.
func (d *Data) parseTypes(name string, types []byte) error {
    b := makeBuf(d, unknownFormat{}, name, 0, types)
    for len( > 0 {

// typeUnitReader is a typeReader for a tagTypeUnit.
type typeUnitReader struct {
    d   *Data
    tu  *typeUnit
    b   buf
    err error






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