

我们提到,符号表记录了程序中全局函数、全局变量、局部非静态变量与链接器符号解析、重定位相关的信息。我们还提到,这里提及的符号与我们常提起的调试符号(如gcc -g生成)是没有什么关系的(除了字符串表也包含了.debug_* sections中定义的符号以外)。




file: main.go

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

go build -o main main.go编译成完整程序,可以通过readelf、nm、objdump等分析器包含的符号列表,虽然我们的示例代码很简单,但是由于go运行时非常庞大,会引入非常多的符号。

我们可以考虑只编译main.go这一个编译单元,go tool compile main.go会输出一个文件main.o,这里的main.o是一个可重定位目标文件,但是它还没有ELF文件头,通用的二进制分析工具分析不了,实际上这里的main.o文件是go自己设计的一种对象文件格式,在proposal: build a better linker多种有提及。

可以通过go tool nm来查看main.o中定义的符号信息:

$ go tool compile main.go
$ go tool nm main.o

         U ""..stmp_0
    1477 ? %22%22..inittask
    1497 R %22%22..stmp_0
    13ed T %22%22.main
    14a7 R %22%22.main.stkobj
         U fmt..inittask
         U fmt.Fprintln
    17af R gclocals·33cdeccccebe80329f1fdbee7f5874cb
    17a6 R gclocals·d4dc2f11db048877dbc0f60a22b4adb3
    17b7 R gclocals·f207267fbf96a0178e8758c6e3e0ce28
    1585 ? go.cuinfo.packagename.
         U go.info.[]interface {}
         U go.info.error
    1589 ? go.info.fmt.Println$abstract
         U go.info.int
    1778 R go.itab.*os.File,io.Writer
    1798 R go.itablink.*os.File,io.Writer
    15b3 R go.string."vim-go"
         U os.(*File).Write
    156b T os.(*File).close
         U os.(*file).close
         U os.Stdout

虽然main.o对象文件格式是go自己设计的,但是go tool nm和Linux下binutils提供的nm输出格式还是相同的,查看man手册,我们了解到:

  • 第一列,symbol value,表示定义符号处的虚拟地址(如变量名对应的变量地址);

  • 第二列,symbol type,用小写字母表示局部符号,大写则为全局符号(uvw例外);

    运行命令man nm查看nm输出信息:

    "A" The symbol's value is absolute, and will not be changed by further linking.
    "b" The symbol is in the uninitialized data section (known as BSS).
    "C" The symbol is common.  Common symbols are uninitialized data.  When linking, multiple common symbols may appear with the same name.  If the symbol is defined anywhere, the common symbols are treated as undefined references.
    "d" The symbol is in the initialized data section.
    "g" The symbol is in an initialized data section for small objects.  Some object file formats permit more efficient access to small data objects, such as a global int variable as opposed to a large global array.
    "i" For PE format files this indicates that the symbol is in a section specific to the implementation of DLLs.  For ELF format files this indicates that the symbol is an indirect function.  This is a GNU extension to the standard set of ELF symbol types.  It indicates a symbol which if referenced by a relocation does not evaluate to its address, but instead must be invoked at runtime.  The runtime execution will then return the value to be used in the relocation.
    "I" The symbol is an indirect reference to another symbol.
    "N" The symbol is a debugging symbol.
    "p" The symbols is in a stack unwind section.
    "r" The symbol is in a read only data section.
    "s" The symbol is in an uninitialized data section for small objects.
    "t" The symbol is in the text (code) section.
    "U" The symbol is undefined.
    "u" The symbol is a unique global symbol.  This is a GNU extension to the standard set of ELF symbol bindings.  For such a symbol the dynamic linker will make sure that in the entire process there is just one symbol with this name and type in use.
    "v" The symbol is a weak object.  When a weak defined symbol is linked with a normal defined symbol, the normal defined symbol is used with no error.  When a weak undefined symbol is linked and the symbol is not defined, the value of the weak symbol becomes zero with no error.  On some systems, uppercase indicates that a default value has been specified.
    "w" The symbol is a weak symbol that has not been specifically tagged as a weak object symbol.  When a weak defined symbol is linked with a normal defined symbol, the normal defined symbol is used with no error.  When a weak undefined symbol is linked and the symbol is not defined, the value of the symbol is determined in a system-specific manner without error.  On some systems, uppercase indicates that a default value has been specified.
    "-" The symbol is a stabs symbol in an a.out object file.  In this case, the next values printed are the stabs other field, the stabs desc field, and the stab type.  Stabs symbols are used to hold debugging information.
    "?" The symbol type is unknown, or object file format specific.
  • 第三列,symbol name,符号名,对应字符串是存储在字符串表中,由符号表引用;

我们回头再看下我们的示例来加深下理解,OK,让我们关注下main函数本身,我们注意到nm输出显示符号%22%22.main是定义在虚地址0x13ed处,并且表示它是一个.text section中定义的符号,那只有一种可能要么是package main,要么是func main.main,其实是main.main。

$ go tool nm main.o

         U ""..stmp_0
    1477 ? %22%22..inittask
    1497 R %22%22..stmp_0
    13ed T %22%22.main
    14a7 R %22%22.main.stkobj
         U fmt..inittask
         U fmt.Fprintln

我们可以通过go tool objdump -S main.o反汇编main.o查看虚地址处对应的信息来求证,我们注意到虚地址0x13ed处恰为func main.main的入口地址。

$ go tool objdump -S main.o
TEXT %22%22.main(SB) gofile../root/debugger101/testdata/xxxx/main.go
func main() {
  0x13ed        64488b0c2500000000    MOVQ FS:0, CX        [5:9]R_TLS_LE        
  0x13f6        483b6110        CMPQ 0x10(CX), SP    
  0x13fa        7671            JBE 0x146d        
  0x13fc        4883ec58        SUBQ $0x58, SP        
  0x1400        48896c2450        MOVQ BP, 0x50(SP)    
  0x1405        488d6c2450        LEAQ 0x50(SP), BP    
  0x140a        0f57c0            XORPS X0, X0        
  0x140d        0f11442440        MOVUPS X0, 0x40(SP)    
  0x1412        488d0500000000        LEAQ 0(IP), AX        [3:7]R_PCREL:type.string


之前我们提到,可重定位文件中,存在一些.rel.text、.rel.data sections来实现重定位,但我们也提到了,go目标文件是自定义的,它参考了plan9目标文件格式(当然现在又调整了go tool link --go115newobj),常见的readelf工具是无法读取的,go提供了工具objdump来查看。

$ go tool objdump main.o | grep R_
  main.go:5     0x13ed  64488b0c2500000000  MOVQ FS:0, CX  [5:9]R_TLS_LE        
  main.go:6     0x1412  488d0500000000      LEAQ 0(IP), AX  [3:7]R_PCREL:type.string    
  main.go:6     0x141e  488d0500000000      LEAQ 0(IP), AX  [3:7]R_PCREL:""..stmp_0    
  print.go:274  0x142a  488b0500000000      MOVQ 0(IP), AX  [3:7]R_PCREL:os.Stdout            
  print.go:274  0x1431  488d0d00000000      LEAQ 0(IP), CX  [3:7]R_PCREL:go.itab.*os.File,io.Writer
  print.go:274  0x145d  e800000000          CALL 0x1462  [1:5]R_CALL:fmt.Fprintln    
  main.go:5     0x146d  e800000000          CALL 0x1472  [1:5]R_CALL:runtime.morestack_noctxt    
  gofile..<autogenerated>:1  0x1580  e900000000  JMP 0x1585  [1:5]R_CALL:os.(*file).close

我们使用grep R_来过滤objdump的输出,现在我们看到的这些操作指令,其中都涉及了一些需要进行重定位的符号,比如类型定义type.string,比如全局变量os.Stdout,比如全局函数fmt.Fprintln、os.(*file).close。

这些符号将在后续go tool link时进行解析并完成重定位,最终构建出一个完全链接的可执行程序,可以尝试运行go tool link main.o,会生成一个a.out文件,这就是链接完全的可执行程序了。

$ go tool link main.o
$ ls
./a.out main.o main.go
$ ./a.out




如何查看符号表,对于go程序而言,如果是编译链接完成的可执行程序,通过readelf -s、nm、objdump都可以,但是如果是go目标文件,因为go用的是自定义的目标文件格式,则只能借助go tool nm、go tool objdump来查看。前面已经演示过,不再赘述。


typedef struct {
    int name;        // string table offset,引用.strtab中字符串
    int value;        // section offset, or VM address
    int size;        // object size in bytes
    char type:4;    // data, func, section, or src file name (4 bits)
    char binding:4;    // local or global (4 bits)
    char reserved;    // unused
    char section;    // section header index, ABS, UNDEF or COMMON
} Elf_Symbol;
  • name是字符串表中的字节偏移量,指向以null结尾的字符串对应的字符名;

  • value是符号的地址,对于可重定位的模块来说,value是距离定义该符号的所在目标文件section起始位置的偏移量,对于可执行文件来说,该值是一个绝对运行时地址;

  • size是符号对应的数据对象的大小(单位字节),如符号对应的int变量的字节数;

  • type通常要么表示是数据,要么是函数,还可以是section或源文件名;

  • binding字段表示符号是本地的,还是全局的;

  • section,每个符号都和目标文件的某个section关联,该字段是一个section header table的表索引。

    有3个特殊的伪节(pseudo section),它们在节头表中是没有条目的:

    • ABS代表不该被重定位的符号;
    • UNDEF代表未定义的符号,也就是只在本模块中引用但是不在本模块定义的符号;
    • COMMON表示还未被分配位置的未初始化的数据块,此时value会给出对齐要求,size给出大小;


  • *.o文件,会存在.symtab表;
  • .a文件,它是个归档文件,其中可能包含多个\.o文件信息,并且每个*.o文件都有独立的.symtab表,静态链接的时候会拿对应的*.o文件出来进行链接;
  • .so文件,会存在.dynsym表,所有\.o文件信息都被保存在一起了,只有一个.dynsym符号表,动态链接更加节省存储,但是相比静态链接,动态链接要复杂些,要注意提高链接效率;
  • 其他可重定位文件,略;


  1. Go: Package objabi, https://golang.org/pkg/cmd/internal/objabi/
  2. Go: Object File & Relocations, Vincent Blanchon, https://medium.com/a-journey-with-go/go-object-file-relocations-804438ec379b
  3. Golang Internals, Part 3: The Linker, Object Files, and Relocations, https://www.altoros.com/blog/golang-internals-part-3-the-linker-object-files-and-relocations/

  4. Computer System: A Programmer's Perspective, Randal E.Bryant, David R. O'Hallaron, p450-p479

    深入理解计算机系统, 龚奕利 雷迎春 译, p450-p479

  5. Linker and Libraries Guide, Object File Format, File Format, Symbol Table, https://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19683-01/816-1386/chapter6-79797/index.html

  6. Linking, https://slideplayer.com/slide/9505663/

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